
class Ecma\Intl\Locale\WeekInfo

WeekInfo represents locale-specific information about the days of the week, for calendar purposes.

property firstDay Ecma\Intl\Locale\WeekDay

The week day that is considered the first day of the week for the locale.

property minimalDays int<1, 7>

The minimum days required in the first week of a month or year for the locale.

property weekend Ecma\Intl\Locale\WeekDay[]

A list of week days that are considered part of the weekend for the locale.

Please note, the number of weekend days in each locale may be different, and they may not be contiguous.

__construct($firstDay, $weekend, $minimalDays)
  • $firstDay (Ecma\Intl\Locale\WeekDay) – The week day that is considered the first day of the week.

  • $weekend (Ecma\Intl\Locale\WeekDay[]) – A list of week days that are considered part of the weekend.

  • $minimalDays (int) – The minimum days required in the first week of a month or year.

jsonSerialize() object

Returns an object of WeekInfo properties and their values, suitable for serializing to JSON.